In October half term 2020, Barrow Hills will be taking Year 7 and 8 children on a hockey sports tour to Valkenburg in Holland. This tour is therefore open to any children in the current Year 6 and 7 year groups. We will be departing on Monday 19th October 2020 and returning on Friday 23rd October 2020.
This will be my 5th tour to Holland with Masterclass Sports Tours and I thoroughly recommend the trip. The children have hockey training in Maastricht each morning led by a Dutch coach and they play a total of three evening matches throughout the week. The teams we play are local Dutch clubs in 70 minute 11-a-side games. Our afternoons are filled with fun sporting activities such as tobogganing, cycling and swimming. The cost of the trip is £600 and if you would like your child to go a £50 deposit needs to be paid in order to secure a place. The deposit will be added onto your next term’s fee invoice and the remainder will be invoiced at the end of the summer term. Please login to the portal to access the google form. We can accommodate up to two teams on the hockey tour.
Mrs Burnett