From The Head

8 months ago

Dear Parents, Much happening today. We have the contrast of the excitement of the BHCC firework event to the quiet…

News from Upper Prep

8 months ago

Life has been extremely busy in Upper Prep this week.  On Monday, some of our senior girls competed in the…

News from Middle Prep

8 months ago

Well, can you believe we are at half-term already! What a jammed packed week we have all had. Year 4…

Letter from the Head

8 months ago

Dear Parents, The half term has flown by, with some great learning and behaviour from the children. Some wonderful highlights…

News from Middle Prep

8 months ago

What a productive week we have all had this week. Walking around the School, there is a joyful atmosphere with…

News from Upper Prep

8 months ago

Once again it has been a very busy week in Upper Prep.  Year 8 children continue to prepare for their…

News From Pre-Prep

8 months ago

Dear Parents, The theme of Remembrance has run through the School this week and today, children from Kindy to Year…