News from Upper Prep

7 months ago

It has been an action packed week in Upper Prep! Year 8 delivered a fantastic performance of Annie on Friday…

News from Middle Prep

7 months ago

As we end this term, it is always a pleasure to see the joy in the children's faces as they…

News from Pre-Prep

7 months ago

Our final week of the term has been brimming with festive fun and Pre-Prep kicked this off by taking to…

From the Head

7 months ago

Dear Parents, Thank you to all who joined us to celebrate the varied ‘informal concerts’ over the last couple of…

News from Upper Prep

7 months ago

There has been a lot going on in Upper Prep this week -  and much of it has been drama…

News from Middle Prep

7 months ago

Well, as predicted, Buttons our elf has proven to be rather troublesome! We have seen him put googly eyes on…

News from Pre-Prep

7 months ago

A school is an exciting place to be in the build up to Christmas and such excitement was palpable this…

From the Head

8 months ago

Dear Parents, A wonderful comment from the Sports Department captured the spirit of our U10 rugby fixture against Pennthorpe on…

News from Upper Prep

8 months ago

Once again, it has been an extremely busy week for the children and staff in Upper Prep.  We started the…