13th May - 17th May

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Barrow Hills Bulletin


Dear Parents,

We enjoyed a short, whole-school walk together this afternoon, incorporating some mindful movement across our lawns and through the trees to mark Mental Health Awareness Week. It’s always a treat to see how well and instinctively the older children help and mentor the younger ones.

There has been much adventure off-site this week, with Year 6 in Snowdonia and Year 4 away at Henley Fort. The children demonstrated great learning, teamwork, and outstanding behaviour. Back at home, highlights include the chicks hatching and being cared for by Reception, as well as Nursery and Kindy safely experiencing real snakes and tarantulas. On the nature front, the Year 5 assembly and ‘bee dance’ were particularly lovely.

The summer term is moving forward with pace. In preparation for upcoming events, we have started some construction work ahead of our busy half-term schedule. Behind Great Roke, a new wooden stage is being erected for the Summer Proms and other events. Additionally, work began today outside the Thomas More building to develop the courtyard into a learning and meeting space.

Looking ahead to next week, we have parent consultations for Years 3-6. We also have whole school photos on Monday. The BHCC is holding a cake sale on Friday. On that note, the BHCC really needs volunteers and a Chair for next year to take on the mantle from the fabulous Lauren Brown. Please let us know if you are interested.

Have a great weekend.

Mr John Towers

Head of Upper Prep

Dear Parents,

It has been lovely to enjoy some sunny weather this week and the children in Upper Prep have been making the most of their time outside by playing tennis and cricket. As they prepare to leave Barrow Hills and move on to other schools, the Year 8 children have spent some time reflecting upon their behaviour and the way they engage with others around the school. This has led on to discussions about how they can make their last half term the best weeks possible and end their time at Barrow Hills on a joyful note.

With this in mind, the children have turned their attention to helping others. Our Pre-Prep Captains, Daisy, Rosie, Eloise and Amelie really enjoyed helping out on Tuesday when some rather large bugs visited Pre-Prep! Thank you girls for looking after the little ones as they interacted with scorpions, millipedes and other creepy crawlies – I think you enjoyed it as much as Pre-Prep did! All of Upper Prep supported Pre-Prep during our Mental Health Walk on Friday and it was great to see the older children holding the hands of the little ones and chatting to them about their day.

The Year 8 children have tackled the first of their CE 13+ exams this week with their French speaking and listening assessments. I know Madame Early has been pleased with the effort most of you put into preparing for these exams. Learning another language is not easy but the regular practice you have done at home and in school will really pay off.

Finally, I was lucky enough to sit in on a Year 7 drama lesson this week and I was so impressed with the work the children have put into their Shakespeare scenes. Their acting skills were very fantastic and I am sure that Mr O’Kelly will be very proud of them when they perform for their parents later this term.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Mason

Head of Middle Prep

Dear Parents,

Year 6 have had a week in Snowdonia filled with challenges and unforgettable moments, from ziplining and gorge walking to caving and summiting Snowdon itself.

Meanwhile, Year 4 embarked on their own residential trip earlier in the week, returning with cherished memories. Alongside team-building activities and fire lighting adventures, they deepened their understanding of World War II history, blending fun with valuable learning experiences.

Back at school, Year 5 embraced the lovely weather, with the Food Tech group taking advantage of the outdoor courtyard to craft fancy burgers. Next week, they will harvest some rhubarb to whip up some delicious crumble.

Year 3, have been making the most of the warm weather too, taking their learning beyond the classroom walls. From form time in the willow dome, to fruit picking in science and flower sketching in art, they’ve embraced outdoor learning opportunities with enthusiasm and curiosity.

I have been particularly enjoying spending time with the Year 2 children, reading them a story, ‘The Tale of Despereaux’, each week in the Thomas More. This initiative aims to familiarise them with their new surroundings, ahead of September when they become fully-fledged members of the Middle Prep department.

Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend ahead.

Miss Tyrrell

Head of Pre-Prep

Dear Parents,

It’s been a week of welcoming small creatures into Pre-Prep! On Tuesday morning, Nursery and Kindy children had the opportunity to get up close to various animals including a tarantula, scorpion, snake, giant millipede and mantis as Backyard Bugs came to Barrow Hills. Almost all of our youngest children were brave enough to stroke and even hold some of the different animals and asked our visitors some really thoughtful questions about where they come from, what they like to eat and their age.

All week, Pre-Prep have also been watching and waiting, with great anticipation, for the first of our chicks to hatch from the eggs nestled together in the incubator. The first crack appeared early on Wednesday morning and by Thursday morning, there was a chorus of chirping all the way down the corridor as three chicks had hatched from their eggs. They have soon dried out and are looking especially fluffy and cuddly, and already feeding well. Children from year groups across the school have been dropping in on Pre-Prep to meet the new arrivals.

Year 1 and Year 2 each took their science lessons to the senior lab this week where they met our Head of Science, Mr Behan. Together with their class teachers, Mr Behan led practical investigations in the lab linked to the children’s current schemes of work; Magnets and Forces in Year 2 and Materials in Year 1. The children were very excited to be learning within the same environment as Middle and Upper Prep, and look forward to further timetabled visits as part of their science curriculum.

Year 2 have been thoroughly captivated in topic lessons learning about Ancient Egypt in recent weeks. Through the use of VR headsets, they were even able to experience a visit to Egypt. They saw some of the different styles of pyramids located to the west of the Nile, the tomb of Ramesses VI and enjoyed a camel ride through the dessert!

Barrow Hills children marked Mental Health Awareness Week this afternoon with a whole school walk, recognising the ‘Movement’ 2024 theme. We are acutely aware of the importance of regular physical activity for mental health and wellbeing. Therefore, our 2 to 13 year olds all gathered outside this afternoon to take the time to enjoy the fresh air and surroundings with each other and embrace a gentle walk around the outskirts of the school grounds.

Congratulations to Ava (Rec), Leo (1R), Jake (1G) and Alex (2G) who were each presented with Work of the Week certificates this morning in assembly. There was a beautiful clay sculpture of some coral, tremendous efforts and perseverance with handwriting and reading, and great progress made with reading the time past the hour on an analogue clock in maths lessons. Well done everyone.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Barnett

School Notices

MONDAY 20th MAY – SPORTS TEAM PHOTOS DAY (in games lesson time for each year group)

Please would children bring in the following on Monday 20th May:

Hockey socks
Shin Pads
Maroon PE shirt
White BH cricket shirt
BH shorts
BH skorts (girls only)
Rugby shirt (boys only)

Weekly News
