Categories: News from Pre-Prep

News from Pre-Prep

Dear Pre-Prep Parents,

Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely and restful Christmas break. It has been wonderful to welcome our children and their families back to Barrow Hills this week, particularly in the beautiful winter sunshine.

It is an exciting and busy term ahead and at the beginning of this week, you will all have received a Spring Welcome Letter from your child’s class teacher. Hopefully, this will be a useful document for you to refer to. You will have noticed that children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are to wear their sports kit on the days which they have PE and Games. There is also a Grandparents’ Afternoon on Friday 9th February which we hope many of the children’s Grandparents will be able to attend. More information on this will be sent out in this Tuesday’s weekly comms.

As we kicked off the new term this week, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 were introduced to the three Houses here at Barrow Hills: Kean (red), McCormack (blue) and Murtough (green). They learnt that they would each be allocated a House and belong to that House with children from Year 3 to Year 8. We discussed ways children could earn House points for their Houses from being polite, well mannered and helpful, to effort and attainment with academic tasks, sports, music and art. Pre-Prep children look forward to hearing from Year 8 House Captains how their House has done each week at Friday assembly. At this morning’s assembly, we congratulated Ethan (1G) and Walter (1R) who received their bronze certificates – well done.

This week, we have welcomed Clara Wright to our Pre-Prep team. Clara has joined us as a Nursery Practitioner in the Nursery, working alongside Mrs Triska, Mrs Hostler and Mrs Coopper, and looks forward to meeting our families over the coming weeks.

A reminder that next Thursday 18th January, is our ‘Reception and Beyond’ event for parents of Kindy children. This takes place in the school library at 9am but refreshments will be served in there after drop off.

Have a lovely weekend.
