Categories: News from Pre-Prep

News from Pre-Prep

Dear Parents,

Great excitement enveloped the Pre-Prep garden this week as children from Reception to Year 2 were able to explore the latest addition, our new ‘Through the Trees’ play area. Leaves were hoisted up the pulley, dens started to be assembled beneath the platforms, children compared the speed of the two new slides, and others gingerly made their way across the scramble net for the first time. A huge thank you to BHCC for the fundraising contribution towards making this possible. You can’t help but notice this beautiful new facility as you come up the drive each morning and it complements our beautiful grounds. Let’s hope for plenty of winter sunshine so we can make full use of it!

Today there were early signs of Christmas as BHCC arrived to run workshops with the children to create decorations and to decorate the Refectory. I was lucky enough to be in on the action with Nursery, Reception and Year 2’s sessions, and all children were engaged and animated in the tasks BHCC had prepared for them. From wreath and Christmas tree decorations to paper chains, the classrooms were filled with Christmas spirit by lunchtime! Thank you, BHCC.

As part of World Nursery Rhyme Week, our youngest children have been enjoying nursery rhymes daily this week. Nursery were singing nursery rhymes in music and before lunch, while Kindy were also singing different nursery rhymes and colouring in nursery rhyme pictures. 

Congratulations to Arthur (Rec), Hannah (1G), Ben (1R) and Hugh (2G) who were all awarded ‘Work of the Week’ certificates in Pre-Prep Assembly earlier in the week. We also had a few children who had earned their Bronze Certificates for achieving 15 merits from staff since the beginning of term. Well done to George B (1R), and Freddie (1R), and our Year 2s: Charlie, Arlo, Vidur and Alex.

Parents of our Kindy children will receive an invitation in next Tuesday’s weekly comms to an ‘Introduction to Reception’ event. This will be held early in the spring term, on Thursday 18th January 2024 shortly after morning drop off. While our Kindy children are already growing increasingly familiar with the facilities and teachers across the school, through their specialist lessons and joining the rest of Pre-Prep in the dining hall at lunchtimes, this will be an opportunity to hear a little bit more about the transition to Reception and what the rest of their Barrow Hills journey looks like.

As we approach a particularly busy stage of the term, I just wanted to draw your attention to some of the key dates from the online calendar, and which have been communicated via Tuesday’s weekly comms:

  • Christingle Service (Reception to Year 6) – Monday 27th November at 8:50am
  • Nativity Performance – Tuesday 12th December at 9:30am, with carols and refreshments in the Refectory after drop-off (Dress Rehearsal 11th December at 9am for those with younger siblings)
  • Whole School Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Lunch (details to follow in Tuesday Comms) – Tuesday 12th December.  Bring a Christmas jumper in book bags to put on after the Nativity
  • Pre-Prep Panto Visit (Reception – Year 2) – Wednesday 13th December
  • Hobgoblins Theatre Production Company Visiting (Nursery and Kindy) – Wednesday 13th December

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

Lesley Barnett
